November 24, 2008

This JUST in!

I sure hope you are sitting down . . .

In an effort to stir things up (read: not have a permanent imprint of my ass on just the one couch - see exhibit A), I sat on the love seat (see exhibit B) while eating my cereal for dinner tonight.

*Exhibit C, amongst all the computers and easily accessible accoutrement to my couchly domain, is my training device for the cats. If I'm lucky, they just hear me lifting the bottle from the table and I don't have to actually get up to go spray them. I can't wait to have kids.


Freckles said...

Ha ha ha, you are too cute.

themapples said...

I think this was the first time I laughed out loud the whole day today--you are awesome!! I miss you!!!

Lisa and Josh said...

I love the squirt bottle! Josh also wants to clicker train the kids like we have the animals. Crazy

Scenic Pit Stops said...

Freckles: of course, I am, we're twins, are we not?

mvanapp: Thank god for unexpected laughter, right? I miss you too.

LandJ: I say whatever works!